

Sisi Aress Workshop

Beginning of this year i participated in a Workshop Aktionsklasse in Berlin, a collaborative symposium about Graphic Design organised by students of the Kunsthochschule Weissensee, HGB Leipzig and UDK Berlin.

At Sisi Aress's workshop, we were given a task to visualize and explain the essence and character of the planet earth to a foreign or a new inhabitant, i.e. the Man from the Mars, the man at the moon, or Kaspar Hauser.

Visiting Karel Martens

This video by Janna Meeus—titled ”Visiting Karel Martens”—is a very short and informal documentary of the Dutch designer and his work. In addition to his efforts towards academia (founding the Werkplaats Typografie, critiquing at Yale School of Art, teaching at the Jan Van Eyck Academie, etc.), Karel Martens has also completed quite a number of traditional projects through his independent practice. The video candidly depicts the designer as he presents and explains a selection of these projects through digital documentation, videos (in video!) and scale models.